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호밀밭의 파수꾼 - 중간 레벨 영어학습자? AI

영갤러(175.209) 2024.11.21 09:13:15
조회 67 추천 0 댓글 0

The Catcher in the Rye is an appropriate book for learners of English in intermediate level to read?

Yes, The Catcher in the Rye can be appropriate for intermediate English learners, but it depends on their familiarity with colloquial language and American slang. Here are some points to consider:


  1. Conversational Style: The book is written in the first person with a conversational tone, which makes it easier to follow compared to heavily descriptive or technical texts.
  2. Cultural Exposure: It provides insights into American culture and youth in the 1950s, making it a good way to understand historical context and idiomatic expressions.
  3. Relatable Themes: Themes of adolescence, identity, and rebellion might resonate with readers, keeping them engaged.


  1. Slang and Idioms: The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, uses a lot of slang and idiomatic phrases that can be outdated or difficult for learners unfamiliar with informal speech.
  2. Subtle Symbolism: The novel contains metaphors and themes that may not be immediately clear to learners.
  3. Complex Emotions: Holden’s narration involves sarcasm and irony, which might be harder to grasp for someone not fluent in English nuances.


  • If you’re an intermediate learner, read with a guide or annotated version that explains the slang and cultural references.
  • Pair it with summaries or analyses to help understand the deeper meanings.
  • If it feels too challenging, consider simpler contemporary novels like The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie or Wonder by R.J. Palacio, which have relatable themes and straightforward language.

Would you like tips for understanding the book, or help with specific sections?

Summarize the whole book.

Here’s a summary of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger:

Plot Summary

The novel is narrated by Holden Caulfield, a 16-year-old boy, who recounts events that happened shortly before he ended up in a mental institution. The story begins with Holden being expelled from Pencey Prep, a private school, for failing most of his classes. Disenchanted with the school and its "phony" people, he decides to leave early and spend a few days in New York City before going home.

Key Events

  1. Leaving Pencey Prep:
    After a confrontation with his roommate, Stradlater, over a girl named Jane Gallagher (a friend Holden deeply cares about), Holden decides to leave Pencey that night.

  2. New York City Adventures:

    • He checks into a shabby hotel and encounters various people, including a prostitute named Sunny, but doesn’t go through with anything because he feels depressed.
    • He visits nightclubs and bars, attempting to connect with people but often feeling lonely or alienated.
  3. Memories of Jane Gallagher:
    Throughout the story, Holden thinks about Jane, a girl he was close to but hasn’t contacted, reflecting his longing for genuine relationships.

  4. Phoebe and the Catcher Dream:
    Holden sneaks home to see his younger sister, Phoebe, the only person he feels truly understands him. He tells her he dreams of being "the catcher in the rye," saving children from falling off a cliff, symbolizing his desire to protect innocence.

  5. Spiraling Mental State:
    Holden’s mental health deteriorates as he wanders the city. He meets Mr. Antolini, a former teacher, who offers guidance but makes Holden uncomfortable with what Holden perceives as an inappropriate gesture.

  6. Final Breakdown:
    After a series of events, including feeling sick and overwhelmed, Holden decides to leave New York. He watches Phoebe on a carousel, a moment of peace and happiness, before resolving to go home.


The novel ends with Holden in a mental institution, reflecting on his experiences. He expresses a mix of regret and longing but reveals little about his future plans, leaving readers with an ambiguous conclusion.


  1. Alienation and Loneliness: Holden struggles to connect with people and often isolates himself.
  2. Innocence vs. Corruption: His desire to preserve the innocence of children contrasts with his disdain for the adult world.
  3. Identity and Growing Up: Holden’s journey reflects the challenges of adolescence and self-discovery.

Let me know if you’d like more detail on specific parts of the book!

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