아베가 2016년 5월 러시아를 방문해서 푸틴을 만나고 각종 현안과 경제 협력을 약속하자 오바마가 극도로 분노했다는 아베의 회상이 올라왔습니다. 아베 자서전을 준비하는 작가가 아베의 회상 일부분을 공개했습니다.
오바마는 G7 이 단결해서 러시아에 제재를 가해야 하는데 아베가 자국의 이익을 위해서 러시아와 가까워지는 것에 앙심을 품었군요.
일본이나 한국이 미국의 외교 노선을 따르지 않으면 탄핵당하거나 암살당할 수 있다는 사실을 새삼스럽게 깨닫습니다.
미국이 공을 들인 시리아 내전이 러시아의 방해로 실패하자 극도의 적의를 품었고, 우크라이나를 러시아를 찌르는 창으로 개조하는 작업도 가속화했을 겁니다.
미국의 대한국 대일본 외교의 첫번째 원칙은, 한국과 일본을 미국의 외교 노선에 100% 순응하게 만드는 것입니다.
거역하면 탄핵, 그래도 살아남아서 권력에 도전하면 무지개 다리 건너편으로 보내는 것 같습니다.
?-1f1f8;?-1f1f5;?-1f1fa;Japan’s Abe said in his memoirs that his visit to Russia in 2016 caused Obama's anger
According to the politician, this was due to the desire of the United States to preserve the unity of the Group of Seven countries in the issue of sanctions pressure on Moscow after the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation
Barack Obama, who held the post of US President in 2016, was extremely dissatisfied with the visit of then Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Russia for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the trip took place contrary to the position of the American administration. This is described in the memoirs of the former head of the Japanese government published this week.
"US President Barack Obama was against my trip to Sochi (in May 2016 - approx.). In March of the same year, when I visited the United States to participate in the nuclear security summit, I told him that I would meet with Putin in Sochi. Obama replied that if he were in my place, he wouldn't do it," Abe recalls. In his opinion, this was due to the desire of the United States to preserve the unity of the Group of Seven countries in the issue of sanctions pressure on Moscow after the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation.
"I told him that Japan does not have a peace treaty with Russia and that I have to change this situation. It ruined the atmosphere. After that, Obama apparently got angry, and the US Foreign Ministry also opposed my visit. Thus, the visit to Sochi went against the wishes of the United States," the former prime minister said.
On May 6, 2016, Abe visited Sochi, where he was received by Putin. Within the framework of this meeting, Abe proposed an eight-point plan to intensify cooperation with Russia aimed at developing energy, small and medium-sized businesses, expanding the export base, cooperation in the field of advanced technologies and humanitarian exchanges. This plan has been the basis for the development of economic cooperation between Tokyo and Moscow for several years.
About the memoirs
A book titled "Shinzo Abe. Memoirs" went on sale in Japan this week. It includes eighteen interviews with a total duration of 36 hours, which were not previously published due to their too sensitive nature. It is written in a question-answer format with some author's notes. Among the authors of the book is Japanese journalist Goro Hashimoto.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Abe was shot dead on July 8, 2022 during an election rally. On July 12, a private Buddhist funeral ceremony was held in Tokyo's Zojoji Temple for family members, close friends and associates. Abe's body was cremated. Taking into account his services to the country, the Government decided to hold a state funeral ceremony on September 27.
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