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갤러리 본문 영역

영어 모의고사 3회차-2

ㅇㅇ(39.115) 2024.09.30 17:20:09
조회 37 추천 0 댓글 1

36. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In South Korea, negotiations between parents and schools about the optimal approach to education are often contentious. Negotiation can be defined as an attempt to explore and reconcile conflicting positions to reach an acceptable outcome.

(A) Whatever the nature of the outcome, which may indeed favor one party more than another, the purpose of negotiation is the identification of areas of common interest and conflict. In this sense, depending on the intentions of the parties, the areas of common interest may be clarified, refined, and given negotiated form and substance.

(B) Areas of divergence can and frequently do remain, and may become the subject of future negotiations or remain irreconcilable. In instances where the parties have highly antagonistic or polarized relations, the process is likely to be dominated by the exposition, often publicly, of the areas of conflict.

(C) In these and sometimes other forms of negotiation, the process serves functions beyond reconciling conflicting interests. These may include delay, garnering publicity, diverting attention, or seeking intelligence about the other party and its negotiating position.

① (A) - (B) - (C)

② (B) - (C) - (A)

③ (A) - (C) - (B)

④ (B) - (A) - (C)

⑤ (C) - (A) - (B)

37. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In South Korea's education system, students conform to the norms established by society, often without questioning whether those norms serve their best interests. Norms emerge in groups as a result of individuals conforming to the behavior of others. Thus, the genesis of a norm occurs when one person acts in a particular manner in a specific situation because she believes she ought to.

(A) Others may then conform to this behavior for a multitude of reasons. The person who performed the initial action may think that others ought to behave as she does in similar situations.

(B) Consequently, she may prescribe the behavior to them by articulating the norm statement in a prescriptive manner. Alternatively, she may convey that conformity is desired through other means, such as gestures. Additionally, she may threaten to sanction them for not behaving as she wishes. This will cause some to conform to her expectations and act as she acts.

(C) However, some individuals will not require the behavior to be prescribed to them. They will observe the regularity of behavior and decide autonomously that they ought to conform. They may do so for either rational or moral reasons.

① (A) - (B) - (C)

② (C) - (A) - (B)

③ (B) - (A) - (C)

④ (B) - (C) - (A)

⑤ (A) - (C) - (B)

38. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

주어진 문장: Yes, some contests are seen as world-class, such as the identification of the Higgs boson or the development of high-temperature superconductors.


In South Korea, education is often perceived as a "winner-takes-all" contest, where success is measured solely by admission to prestigious universities. Science is sometimes described as a winner-take-all contest, implying that there are no rewards for being second or third. This perspective mirrors the extreme competitiveness ingrained in the South Korean education system, where students are often taught that only being at the top matters. (①) Even those who describe the system in such terms acknowledge that it is a somewhat inaccurate portrayal, given that the process of learning and personal growth also holds intrinsic value. (②) It is also inaccurate to the extent that it suggests that only a few students can succeed, when in reality, there are many pathways to success beyond traditional academic achievements. (③) [주어진 문장 삽입] (④) But many other students find success in different fields, and the number of such alternative success stories may be increasing. (⑤) For example, in the realm of technology and startups, students who may not have excelled in standardized tests are demonstrating their potential through innovation and entrepreneurship.

39. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

주어진 문장: At the next step in the argument, however, the analogy breaks down.


In South Korea, the education system often operates like a rigid machine, where even minor mistakes or deviations can have significant consequences for a student's future. Misprints in a book or in any written message usually have a negative impact on the content, sometimes (literally) fatally. (①) The displacement of a comma, for instance, may be a matter of life and death. (②) Similarly, most mutations have deleterious consequences for the organism in which they occur, meaning that they reduce its reproductive fitness. (③) [주어진 문장 삽입] (④) Occasionally, however, a mutation may occur that enhances the fitness of the organism, just as an accidental failure to reproduce the text of the first edition might provide more accurate or updated information. (⑤) By contrast, there is no mechanism by which a book that accidentally corrects the mistakes of the first edition will tend to sell better.

40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


In South Korea, much like in the sciences, concentrating on one subject or skill at a time allows for greater mastery, rather than attempting to excel in all subjects simultaneously. Even individuals with average talent can produce notable work in various scientific domains, provided they do not endeavor to encompass all of them concurrently. Instead, they should focus their attention on one subject after another (that is, during different periods of time), although later endeavors may attenuate earlier accomplishments in other areas. This implies that the brain adapts to universal science temporally but not spatially. In fact, even those with exceptional abilities proceed in this manner. Thus, when we are astonished by someone with publications in disparate scientific fields, we must realize that each topic was explored during a specific period. Knowledge acquired earlier will not have vanished from the author's mind, but it will have been simplified by condensing into formulas or greatly abbreviated symbols. Thus, sufficient cognitive space remains for the perception and learning of new concepts on the cerebral canvas.


Exploring one scientific subject after another (A) remarkable work across the sciences, as the previously acquired knowledge is retained in simplified forms within the brain, which (B) room for new learning.


① enables

② challenges

③ delays

④ requires

⑤ inhibits


① leaves

② constricts

③ diminishes

④ precludes

⑤ allocates


(A) ① enables

(B) ① leaves

41-42. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.


In South Korea, education reform is frequently deliberated, but the complexity of the issue renders it arduous to achieve consensus. One way to avoid contributing to the overwhelming pressure on students would be to completely restructure the system. However, that is not a pragmatic option for policymakers who feel a profound sense of responsibility to maintain the status quo and appease various stakeholders. Advocating for radical changes has (a) advantages in terms of raising awareness and perhaps garnering public support, but it runs the risk of causing confusion, resistance, and further entrenchment of antiquated methods. Hence, the decision to champion reform tends to be highly individualized. Decades ago, it was (b) unusual for educators and parents to challenge the rigid exam-based structure, and consequently, few alternative methods were ever explored. In the early 2000s, however, the few educators who spoke openly about change were often (c) ostracized by their peers for being too idealistic. The situation now is quite different, as many parents and teachers feel a responsibility to challenge the traditional system because of the intense competition it fosters. In addition, many educational experts are finding that they (d) relish the attention from the media and the public, even if the solutions they propose are controversial. At the same time, some educators continue to avoid media attention, thereby preserving more time for classroom instruction and (e) eschewing the risk of being overlooked in important policy discussions.

41. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① The Complexities of Education Reform in South Korea

② Balancing Tradition and Innovation in Education

③ The Personal Dilemma of Advocating for Change

④ Challenges Faced by Reform-Minded Educators

⑤ Public Attention and Its Impact on Educational Policy

42. 밑줄 친 (a)➰(e) 중에서 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

43-45. 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.



Eleanor and Margaret stood side by side on the rooftop of their school, gazing out at the labyrinthine sprawl of the city beneath them. The overwhelming sight of innumerable edifices mirrored the pressure they confronted daily in their academic lives. Just after the final school bell resonated, they concluded discussing their impending university entrance examinations. Eleanor turned to Margaret with an inquiry, "Do you believe this will be the most pivotal test of your life?" Margaret's visage tightened with apprehension, but she mustered a smile and nodded. "Yes... (a) I can't envision life beyond this test."


After the bell, they descended to the vacant classroom. Eleanor looked at Margaret and remarked, "Studying feels like an interminable marathon, doesn't it?" Margaret sighed and responded, "Quite analogous to life itself. It instructs me on what it means to persevere under duress." She added, "It demonstrates (b) how to surmount challenges, even when they appear insurmountable." Eleanor nodded in concurrence, adding, "After this test, do you think we'll ever be able to truly unwind?"


Margaret had once been an energetic student, brimming with dreams and aspirations, but the unrelenting competition in the education system compelled her to relinquish her initial ambitions. She felt ensnared by a system that quantified her worth by a solitary number. Eleanor observed how the stress of the preceding years had rendered Margaret quieter, yet (c) more resilient. As they ventured outside, Margaret turned to Eleanor and said, "Look at all these students lingering late to study; it's perpetual."


Eleanor and Margaret ambled toward the school gate, the heft of their backpacks emblematic of the formidable expectations imposed upon them. As they neared the exit, Eleanor couldn't help but say, "Margaret, can you fathom that this cycle will soon culminate?" Margaret didn't respond immediately, lost in contemplation. Eleanor understood Margaret's silence, recognizing that she was reflecting on the arduous journey they had traversed together. Margaret's silence reminded Eleanor of how much they had both endured and matured. Now, it seemed that (d) she had reconciled herself with their shared tribulations.

43. 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① (B) - (C) - (D)

② (C) - (B) - (D)

③ (B) - (D) - (C)

④ (D) - (B) - (C)

⑤ (C) - (D) - (B)

44. 밑줄 친 (a)~(d) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은?

① (a)

② (b)

③ (c)

④ (d)

45. 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?

① Eleanor와 Margaret은 시험 준비에 대한 대화를 나누었다.

② Margaret은 교육 시스템의 압박으로 인해 꿈을 포기했다.

③ Eleanor는 Margaret이 스트레스로 인해 조용해졌음을 알아챘다.

④ 두 학생은 학교를 떠나면서 그동안의 여정을 회상했다.

⑤ Eleanor는 시험 후에도 그들이 계속해서 압박을 느낄 것이라고 확신했다.

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