디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Farthoo have talkes been ee’chaanged?

신이두빌런(118.235) 2023.05.26 13:49:17
조회 163 추천 0 댓글 0

누더기스러운 신욜라어 아닌 욜라어 판본

In dhee woarld, aar are many talkes. Ean ith aar are many talkes,

aull o aam have equallee been ee’chaanged vrem aar ancestral talkes.

Dhee talke chaange - Aul o talkes which are ee’spoaken todye have ee’experienced it.

Aar grammatic systems are different vrem, an aar phonological systems are na similar to

their own ancestors.

But, veendeeng dhee reason farthoo hye started ta be ee’chaanged is na easee.

Tae unnerstand this, we need tae howk intae the historie o Scots leid.

Some Scots leid relatet organisations an acteevists stertet tae purifee the leid sin late 19t centurie.

Sae, it sometimes macks some fowk have a misunnerstanding that Scots leid is less influencet by French

accause Scotslan is faur frae France geographicallie.

But, if ye reallie think sae, it is completelie wrang.

The auldest record in Scots leid is "The Bruce", an we can find it oot that there are lots o French lenwirds

in "The Bruce"

Even if, there are manie hamelt Germanic wirds including "suithfast", 'veracious'.

it jist can be that there were still wheen Germanic wirds nae replacet with French lenwirds.

Howiver, even at that time, Scots leid wis undergaeing the influx o French lenwirds.

Sae, the Scots leid had lots o French lenwirds, especiallie written Scots had sae manie French lenwirds

as Inglis the day.

Then, there is a quaisting: why modren Scots has less French an Latin lenwirds than middle Scots?

The answer is aisie. Scots acteevists ettled at purifeeing the leid frae late 19t centurie.

There are guid exemples: the Nishbet Murdoch new testament written in 15t centurie

an the William Smith new testament in Braid Scots written in 19t centurie.

The William Smith version has suithlie less French lenwirds than the Nishbet Murdoch version

even though it wis wrate muckle later than the Nishbet Murdoch version.

Sae, it is kennable that some Scots acteevists stertet tae purifee the leid frae late 19t centurie.

In ither wirds, if ye mack a conclusion that Scots wis less influcet by French accause o the geographie o Scotlan

jist comparing modren Scots an modren Inglis, it is a wrang answer.

An it shaws why finding the raison o leid cheenges anlie looking at the appairance o a leid the day is wanchancie.

It can be that the raison why modren Inglis has tuft o French lenwirds.

If French ruling is the anlie factor whilk is important, why daes modren Welsh nae have manie French lenwirds?

It alsae means that there is nae a single factor can expleen awthing.

The invasion o William I wis jist ane o multiple factors whilk mad Inglis adopt lots o French lenwirds.

Even the records o Yola leid shaws that the Yola leid had mickle amoont o French an Latin lenwirds,

an it shaws that adopting French lenwirds has suithlie lang historie an leid purifeeing attempt has been appaired rather recentlie.

The fact that ane factor can mack multiple ootcomes can be the traughle in troding the raison o the leid cheenges.

If we think aboot leids with wee records, even thinking something like this is alsae possible:

Sin the raisons o ane leid cheenge can be multiple, sae if ye ettle at troding the raison o leid cheenges o a leid

whilk its ancestor puirlie recorded can be jist an imagination.

In hinderending, why a leid has been cheenged like the form spoken the day is hard tae find as there can be multiple factors

why it has been cheenged tae the form spoken the day.

Sometimes, some speakers o the leid can ettle at recovering lots o features o the leid have else disappaired.

Sae, finding the raison why a leid has been cheenged tae the form spoken the day is impossible

withoot the records o the ancestor leids, an troding the ancestor forms o leids dae nae have records

o their ancestors is suthlie feckle

as there can be lots o raisons why a leid has been cheenged to the form spoken the day.

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