디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

포브스 기사

정갤러(221.145) 2024.12.02 20:51:43
조회 347 추천 21 댓글 5




<기사 원문 텍스트>

Jung Eun-Chae Plays A Pansori Prince In ‘Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born’

Joan MacDonald


Joan Vos MacDonald is a New York-based writer who covers Korean media.

When performer Moon Ok-gyeong leaves the theater after a performance, she’s surrounded by avid fans, mostly young girls who beg for autographs and offer her flowers. Ok-gyeong, the character played by actress Jung Eun-chae, is the star of a gukgeuk troupe, a performer who thrills audiences with her musical portrayal of princes. The troupe performs a genre of traditional Korean opera in the folk song style known as pansori, derived from two Korean words, pan, referring to a place where people gather and sori or song.

Jung plays this character in the historical k-drama Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born. Produced by Studio Dragon, the story is set in the 1950s, shortly after the Korean War, when several all-female gukgeuk troupes performed and competed for enthusiastic audiences. At a time when women had fewer career options, performers in the Maeran geugeuk wholeheartedly embraced their own destiny, studying for years so they could master the craft and one day possibly live like real princes. Before Jung took the role of Maeran star Ok-gyeong she was not that familiar with pansori, an art form now considered an intangible Korean cultural asset.

“I had a chance to listen to pansori a few times through performances, but I didn’t know much about it,” she said. “The art form felt a bit difficult to approach and hard to enjoy in daily life.”However, the more she learned about pansori the more she began to appreciate it.

“While preparing for Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, I started to study sori (the sound and voice of pansori) and explore the world of pansori,” said Jung. “ I discovered that Korean traditional opera is much more modern and free in its expressions than I had thought, and I came to appreciate the beautiful depth of the genre. Listening to master pansori singers, I realized sori is more than just an old cultural art form—it embodies our history, filled with the lives and stories of people.”

Jung studied pansori for a whole year but she knew that was not enough.

“I spent a year immersed in it, from the preparation period before filming to the very end,” said Jung. “When you first hear sori, you’ll notice it is completely different from casual speech or singing. A single year was far too short to master pansori, as its depth can only be expressed through years of dedicated training. Still, learning it was a truly fresh and phenomenal experience.”

As an artist Ok-gyeong is drawn toward male roles, which allow her new ways to express herself.

“Moon Ok-gyeong is a character born with artistic talent,” said Jung. “However, she easily gets bored with mundane repetition and craves new stimuli and experiences. I think that’s why she took on male roles in Yeoseong Gukgeuk (female Korean traditional opera), which offered her a sense of novelty and freedom.”

“I think there is no character we can approach easily,” said Jung. “I always try to understand a character by imagining their untold story and emotions—the parts that aren’t explicitly shown on screen or written into the script. When playing Kyung-hee in Pachinko, I tried to carefully understand a tragic character shaped by the circumstances of the time. For Ok-gyeong, I aimed to portray someone who is lonely despite being surrounded by admiration.”

In Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born the performers stage several dramas within the drama, plays that are often no less dramatic than the conflicts and trials the performers face in real life. For Jung these breathtaking performances remain one of her best memories of filming the drama.

“Every scene of gukguek performances on stage comes to mind, “ she said. “Where I poured everything I had into sori, dancing, and acting. In particular, the final performance, The Fool and the Princess, was Ok-gyeong’s last and mine. It will remain a fond and heartwarming memory for a very long time.

Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born is based on a Naver webtoon by Seo Ireh and Kim Yoon-hye. The Studio Dragon drama, which also stars Kim Tae-ri, Shin Ye-eun, Ra Mi-ran, Kim Yoon-hye and Woo-Da-vi, can be seen on Disney+ internationally and on Hulu in the U.S.

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"저는 캐릭터들의 말로 드러나지 않은 스토리나 감정들을 상상하는 것으로 캐릭터를 이해하려고 노력해요.-그러니까 스크린에 드러나지 않고, 대본에도 쓰여있지 않은 내용이라 할 수 있죠. 파친코에서 경희를 연기할 때 그 시대 환경 때문에 형성된 비극적 캐릭터를 섬세하게 이해하려고 애썼어요. 옥경이의 경우는 (사람들의) 선망에 둘러싸여 있음에도 불구하고 외로워하는 모습을 그려내는 것에 목표를 두었죠"

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