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Google search operators for expert

ㅇㅇ(223.33) 2022.01.23 15:45:08
조회 196 추천 1 댓글 2

I would like to inform you of information that is difficult to obtain elsewhere. There are a total of seven. If you are a Beginner, I recommend you to look at other posts first.

You can share this post as much as much as you want.

There will be many awkward sentences using a translator. I'm sorry.

< 1. site: + inurl: , site: + URL Escape Code >

You can search by specifying the address in more detail. You should search for both PC version posts and mobile version posts. In image search, inurl: does not work properly. So you have to use URL Escape Code when you search for an image.

? = %3F, % = %25

dcinside: Korean famous community

gall.dcinside.com = PC version

m.dcinside.com = Mobile version

dcinside.com = PC&Mobile version

site:gall.dcinside.com inurl:leagueoflegends4 - No

site:m.dcinside.com inurl:leagueoflegends4 - No

site:dcinside.com inurl:leagueoflegends4 - Yes







< 2. "Num..Num Unit" >

You have to space between numbers and units.




< 3. double quotes("") >

There are 2 functions in this.

1. It is used to search exact sentence.

2. It is used to combine the search operator. (Think about the combination of games.)

< 4. asterisk(*) >

There are 3 functions in this.

1. It is used when you can't think of a search word or don't mind entering anything.

2. It is used to replace special characters.

ex. league of legends - namu wiki


3. It is used to find or exclude only for posts with a specific distance between the two words. In this situation, You search by "A * * B", "A * * * B", "A * * * * B", -"A * * B", -"A * * * B", -"A * * * * B", etc.

< 5. AROUND(X) >

Limit the maximum distance between two words.

Many posts explain as above. However, the above explanation is too abstract to understand. 

The role of AROUND(X) is as follows:

0. A and B = keyword(A and B are different), X=number

1. It is used to find only posts with keywords in one sentence or one paragraph.

2. It is used to exclude posts with all keywords in one sentence or paragraph. In this situation, You search by -"A AROUND(X) B" method.

3. It doesn't have to be 1 sentence or 1 paragraph. You can use 2 sentences, 3 sentence, 2 paragraph, 3 paragraph, etc.

4. If you search by A AROUND(X) B method or "A" AROUND(X) "B" method, You only consider distance. If you search by "A AROUND(X) B" method, You consider both distance and order.

5. It is used to find or exclude posts with multiple same words within one sentence or one paragraph. You can use 2 sentences, 3 sentence, 2 paragraph, 3 paragraph, etc. In this situation, You search by "A AROUND(X) A" method or -"A AROUND(X) A" method.

Anyone who sees this operator for the first time can think of this operator as an abstract and useless operator. However, this operator is quite useful. So even if it feels difficult at first, I recommend you to read it slowly.

< 6. The difference between asterisk(*) and AROUND(X) >

It relates to the 3rd application method of asterisk(*). Asterisk(*) searches only for posts with a specific distance between the two words. On the other hand, AROUND(X) searches only for posts within a certain distance between the two words.

For example, the following is:

Asterisk(*): only 10m

AROUND(X): 10m, 9m, 8m, ... , 2m, 1m

Usually, X-1 is The number of asterisk between the two words. However, it may not. Let's change X little by little and pay attention to X, which changes the search results.

< 7. lr, cr, hl, gl >

lr: The language that makes up the title or content of the post.

cr: The URL and ip address of the post.

hl: Interface language.

gl: Your IP location.

You can apply lr like:


Search Chinese or Taiwanese post, Exclude English post.

You can prove gl by discovering "name=gl" using ctrl+shift+c shortcut in Chrome. The same goes for the other three.

That's all for my post. I hope it was helpful.

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