디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

가사 써봤는데 평가좀앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(211.234) 2025.01.30 22:29:33
조회 108 추천 0 댓글 2


As you call 'em, they call you when they need something
Trees for the bluntin', to G's for the frontin'
I found a way to get peace of mind for years and left the hell alone
Turn a deaf ear to the cellular phone
Send me a letter or better, we could see each other in real life
Just so you could feel me like a steel knife
At least so you could see the white of their eyes
Bright with surprise, once they finish spitting lies
Associates, is your boys, your girls, bitches, niggas, homies
Close, or really don't know me
Mom, dad, comrade, peeps, brothers, sisters, duns, dunnies
Some come around when they need some money
Others make us laugh like the Sunday funnies
Fam be around whether you paid or bummy
You could either ignore this advice or take it from me:
Be too nice and people take you for a dummy
So nowadays, he ain't so friendly
Actually they wouldn’t even made a worthy enemy
Read the signs: "No feeding the baboons"
Seein' as how they got your back bleeding from the stab wounds
Y'all know the dance, they smile in your face, y'all know the glance
Try to put 'em on, they blow the chance
Never let your so-called mans know your plans
A show of hands
Is a term some people use loosely
I'm real choosy on what I choose to let crews see
You telling me I try to act broke
Jealousy the number one killer among black folk
Fellas be under some type of spell like crack smoke
Ghetto Cinderellas lead 'em right to your stack, loc
Just another way a chick'll lead to your end
I checked the dictionary for the meaning of friend
It said, "Person one likes to socialize with
Sympathizer, helper", and that's about the size of it
Most of the time these attributes is one-sided
To bolster the crime, they're apt to shoot you through your eyelid
And they can't hide it, going wild like a white bitch
Sometimes you need to cut niggas off like a light switch
And when things get quiet
Catch 'em like a thief in the night, what a riot
I first met Mr. Fantastik at an arms deal
Don't let it get drastic, think of how your moms'll feel
When it get for real, steel get to sparkin'
Everything darken, it ain't no talkin'
For somethin' so cheap, it sure buys a lot of trouble
You're better off focusing than tryna plot to bubble
Or else it'd be a sad note to end on, the guns we got is
Some come in the form of co-dependents
A lot of times only end up being co-defendants
Ten bucks say they tell for a lower sentence
And leave you up under the jail, begging for repentance
It don't make no sense, what happened to the loyalty?
Honor amongst crooks, trust amongst royalty
I'd rather go out in a blaze than give 'em the glory
A similar story?
Friends before lovers, we used to have some type of overstanding
Just so when I let her get the man thing
She know it's no strings, we could do the damn thing
But ho, it's no rings, just how the tramp swings
Will she see him again? That depends on
"How good was the skins?" and "Could she memorize the lessons?"
It ain't no need to pretend
Even though she let him stab it, she know they're just friends

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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3000200 프저미들은 빈센윙 억까하는 이유가 뭐냐 [2] 힙갤러(211.36) 10:13 41 0
3000199 스윙스커리어하이 알려줌 힙갤러(14.36) 10:11 40 0
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3000194 또한 리얼힙합은 목숨을건 등반과도 같다고 생각함 mmlp갤로그로 이동합니다. 09:50 26 0
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3000192 오늘도 1000만원 벌었다 ㄹㅇ [1] 힙갤러(223.39) 09:42 78 0
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3000183 제이통은 무조건 옆에 힙갤러(223.38) 09:00 106 3
3000182 송민호 > 지코지 ㅇㅇ ㅇㅇ(153.33) 08:48 76 1
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3000179 팩트: 카피마약꼬털줌년은 꼬털짤보고 딸치는 막귀정병년들. 단톡방 좆되노ㅋ ㅇㅇ(211.36) 08:19 66 4
3000178 지디 vs 위켄드 이건 누가 이김?? ㅇㅇ(58.79) 08:19 99 0
3000176 메간 이거 처음 들었을때 도입부분에 걍 싸버림 준치(175.223) 08:13 59 0
3000175 날선물해쏘~ Icicle갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:11 34 0
3000174 하고싶대쏘~ Icicle갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:11 25 0
3000173 쟤가날갠소~ Icicle갤로그로 이동합니다. 08:11 39 0
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3000169 개좆구리네 마약 식추털 역대원탑 카피캣 쫄튀좆밥년 YeAIi:꼬털 표절년 [1] ㅇㅇ(211.36) 07:50 68 3
3000164 Kflip들으니까 다른노래 똥내나네 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 07:33 66 0
3000145 인생 좆박아서 미안해 엄마,, [3] mmlp갤로그로 이동합니다. 06:35 154 0
3000142 '식케이 VS 스윙스 논란' 딥시크에게 물어봤다. jpg [16] ㅇㅇ(125.180) 06:32 960 25
3000139 얼으으~응!♡ [1] >____<.갤로그로 이동합니다. 06:25 50 0
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3000135 5Gym어케임 >____<.갤로그로 이동합니다. 06:17 44 0
3000132 10대 양홍원 좋아한다 이러는데 [1] ㅇㅇ(211.219) 06:06 127 2
3000129 오노추 미스터타이니툰갤로그로 이동합니다. 05:58 59 0
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