디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

What the fucking jot mang gall?

dj(203.249) 2013.04.08 10:54:27
조회 193 추천 0 댓글 2


 I knew this gallery will be Jot mang gall!

 Here's the reasons.

 1. Chosun-jok part timers are idiot! They don't read & check the contents! They just delete your post!

 2. What is the subject in this gallery? Just fucking to talk in english? What do we talk about? Sex? Gay?

 3. If we use this gallery for studying & practicing english, It is no use. because here are no corrector! We just use fucking konglish like me!.

 So, I think this gallery will be removed.

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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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AD ★한 권으로 끝내는 토익교재+인강 무료배포 운영자 25/01/01 - -
1834 Voices event gallery in Dc inside is gme(218.235) 13.05.02 257 0
1833 2/5/2013 today, I have gone to the libra [1] gme(218.235) 13.05.02 150 0
1831 영어 문장 5개만 만들러주실수있나요 ㅠㅠ [7] 학생(182.210) 13.05.02 323 1
1829 Typing sentences in English is too slow gme(218.235) 13.05.02 143 0
1828 I'm just playing a computer. but, I shou gme(218.235) 13.05.01 120 0
1825 Oh mygush ㅇㅇ(121.143) 13.05.01 118 0
1824 can you see them? can you hear them? [2] sad(180.111) 13.05.01 357 0
1821 What color you do? 타우렌하마갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.30 225 0
1820 such a mang gall 눈누상향좀(223.33) 13.04.30 145 0
1817 my name is sam 서울시립대합격자갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.30 157 0
1813 번역좀 [1] 영어 번역좀(175.199) 13.04.29 241 0
1810 Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery 아햏햏(58.140) 13.04.27 169 1
1806 Heil unserm Führer, Heil Hitler dir! ㅇㅇ(58.127) 13.04.26 160 0
1802 such a mang gall [1] 눈누상향좀(121.181) 13.04.26 255 0
1800 Why is English subject written short ? [1] 아햏햏(58.140) 13.04.26 237 0
1796 When I look in your eyes, and you’re loo ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ(218.235) 13.04.25 207 0
1793 canaria zzangzzang girl! flower(211.234) 13.04.24 143 0
1792 Informative speech 토픽좀주세요 갈라님들 테러국김치맨갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.24 159 0
1791 Hi im English grand master 군조갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.24 178 0
1785 damm it! 오지라파갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.23 145 0
1782 I want to study English. [2] aa22갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.22 460 0
1776 SIr have a question! [1] 숭2(59.5) 13.04.21 234 0
1768 Oh raen man 술봉이갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.20 185 0
1767 TANK :Gwangju a.. is a riot with guns.. [3] 베츙이(211.36) 13.04.20 302 0
1766 hi byungsin people? ㄴㅇㄹㄴ(221.138) 13.04.20 328 0
1762 hi ㅇㅇ(223.62) 13.04.19 124 1
1761 canaria zzangzzang girl! flower(211.234) 13.04.19 155 0
1759 happy happy boy ㅇ엠지(115.139) 13.04.18 149 0
1758 EMIYA SSALJOM SAWA [1] SIAME(211.211) 13.04.18 216 0
1757 Brother dameyo!! kkang kwang kang kwang torr?(211.211) 13.04.18 284 0
1756 i.m fukin done wit ya 미러코트갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.18 272 0
1753 have u heared what happen to yusik? @)@(220.76) 13.04.17 149 0
1751 my morher is prettier than your mother (125.152) 13.04.17 137 0
1750 I hope this gallery helps me [2] a(222.108) 13.04.17 259 0
1747 canaria zzangzzang girl! flower(211.234) 13.04.17 146 0
1745 I have a question :) [1] 시매어(218.38) 13.04.17 514 0
1741 so funny ! check this out [1] dddd(203.229) 13.04.17 232 0
1740 I declare - 날개날개날갤로그로 이동합니다. 13.04.17 163 0
1739 you face why psy(36.39) 13.04.16 242 0
1738 Oppa Na ssal gu ga tae [1] ㅇㅇ(39.120) 13.04.16 233 0
1737 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! flower(211.234) 13.04.16 140 0
1736 Tony and Hyeri are seeing each other? Have U heard(168.126) 13.04.16 149 0
1731 canarianun.. sarangibnida..! flower(211.234) 13.04.15 68 0
1730 btw [1] 장크리스토프(125.130) 13.04.15 175 0
1729 so, the purpose of this gall became... 장크리스토프(125.130) 13.04.15 95 0
1728 hi everyone HIo(125.176) 13.04.15 88 0
1726 Monday 눈누상향좀(121.181) 13.04.15 71 0
1716 wtf? 짱쌘엘리트코볼트(173.52) 13.04.13 77 0
1714 saranghaeyo.. canaria.. flower(211.234) 13.04.13 105 0
1711 I am the bone of my sword emiya siro(182.213) 13.04.13 160 0
뉴스 옥자연, 자연 속 힐링 라이프 ‘나 혼자 산다’에서 무공해 일상 공개 디시트렌드 18:00
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