디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

본토 짱깨는 경사에 파묻자!! 지금 여기 기어온 좆족난민새끼들사냥이다!!

ㅇㅇ(146.70) 2024.04.16 01:45:54
조회 26 추천 0 댓글 0

Clarifying the Truth at the Police Station 

Since I clarified the truth face-to-face to the street and community officials, I’ve always had the wish to go to the police station to clarify the truth to more police officers. However, it seemed like I never found the right opportunity to fulfill this wish.

In 2022, during the period of the CCP’s 20th Party Congress, I was distributing truth-clarification flyers in a community when someone who didn’t understand the truth reported me. Around 1:30 a.m. that night, a group of police officers suddenly barged into my home and took me to the police station. 

One of the officers, wearing the CCP’s emblem, banged the table and yelled at me in a fit of rage: “You’ve got some nerve distributing flyers during the 20th Party Congress!” I calmly responded, “With the epidemic rampant and so many natural and man-made disasters, as a Falun Gong practitioner, I understand the principle of cause and effect. I distribute truth-clarification materials to save people, to tell them how to survive this great calamity.”

He then asked me where the truth-clarification booklets came from. I said, “Don’t ask; I won’t tell you.” Upon hearing this, his aggressive demeanor disappeared. After a while, he left. His note-taking partner, seeing him leave, didn’t bother to ask me anything further and took me to a room and told me to sit there. So, I sat on the chair, in the full lotus position, closed my eyes, and sent forth righteous thoughts. I asked Master to empower me and grant me wisdom and courage.

There were a few other people in the room who had been arrested, and they looked at me curiously as I sat there in the lotus position. I communicated with them in my heart, asking them to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I continuously asked Master to help me overcome this tribulation. Suddenly, a warm flow of energy poured down from the top of my head, and a voice said to me, “Clarify the truth, save the police!” Ah, it was Master reminding me. Master was right beside me! I was immensely encouraged.

Around 9:30 a.m., I was called into another room full of community officials, including secretaries, directors, and household registration officers. My daughter was also called in. (I later learned that she was brought in to persuade me to give up cultivating Falun Gong.)

Master said, 

“I said that just by remaining unmoved you could handle all situations.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume V)


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번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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1180482 뭔가 인생이 진짜 불쌍해보이는 애들 있으면 그냥 개추박음 쌀이좋아갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.16 68 14
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1180467 공주고문 초 실망 ㅉㅉ ㅇㅇ(58.231) 24.04.16 35 0
1180465 세잔 애는 다 좋은데 작품마다 구도나 연출이 똑같노 [3] 고등어춉갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.16 30 0
1180464 어린아이 체온...... [1] LD39갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.16 44 0
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1180461 너굴걸같은 단편이 좋다 이지러짐갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.16 28 0
1180459 진짜 개좃같은년들있음 [4] ㅇㅇ(39.7) 24.04.16 53 0
1180456 달러 환율이 1400을 넘었던건 단 세번뿐이다.. [6] ㅇㅇ(211.219) 24.04.16 121 1
1180453 요즘 애들은 키배에 진심이 아닌듯 ㅇㅇ(172.226) 24.04.16 38 0
1180452 쿄애니마냥 홀로라이브도 누가 가서 불좀질러라 [3] 고등어춉갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.04.16 41 0
1180451 평범한 애니는 보면 저능아 되는 기분이라 못 보겠고 [2] 만갤러(116.123) 24.04.16 47 0
1180449 호로 ai짤중 가장 좋았던 시리즈 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.39) 24.04.16 93 0
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