탄핵 彈劾
1. 죄상을 들어서 책망함.
2. 법률 보통의 파면 절차에 의한 파면이 곤란하거나 검찰 기관에 의한 소추(訴追)가 사실상 곤란한 대통령ㆍ국무 위원ㆍ법관 등을 국회에서 소추하여 해임하거나 처벌하는 일. 또는 그런 제도.
탄핵을 당하다.
탄핵을 받다.
야당은 총리의 탄핵을 요구했다.
彈: 1. 탄알(彈-) 2. 탄알(彈-)을 쏘는 활 3. 과실(果實)
過失 과실
부주의(不注意)나 태만(怠慢) 따위에서 비롯된 잘못이나 허물.
1. 탄알(彈-)
2. 탄알(彈-)을 쏘는 활
3. 과실(果實)
4. 열매
5. 튀기다
6. 두드리다
7. 힐책하다(詰責--)
8. 탄핵하다(彈劾--)
9. 바루다
10. 타다(악기의 줄을 퉁기거나 건반을 눌러 소리를 내다)
11. 연주하다(演奏--)
12. 치다
1. (꾸짖을 핵)
a. 꾸짖다
b. 캐묻다, (죄상을)조사하다(照査--)
c. 신문(訊問) 조서(調書)
2. (힘쓸 해)
a. 힘쓰다
b. 노력하다(努力--)
I. \ə̇mˈpēch\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English empechen, from Middle French empecher, from Old French empeechier, from Late Latin impedicare to entangle, fetter, from Latin in- in- (II) + pedica fetter, from ped-, pes foot — more at foot
1. obsolete : hinder, prevent, impede
a. : to bring an accusation (as of wrongdoing or impropriety) against : charge with a crime or misdemeanor; specifically : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misbehavior in office : arraign or cite for official misconduct
< impeach the president >
< impeach a circuit-court judge >
b. : to inform against or give incriminating evidence against : accuse or aid in accusing : peach on
c. : to challenge, impugn, or charge as having some fault especially as biased, venal, not credible, or invalid
< the testimony of the 1850 federal census … impeaches the accuracy of his memory — Dixon Wecter >
< in a state of mind to impeach the justice of the republic — Charles Dickens >
< impeach the testimony of a witness >
3. : to convict of impropriety, misdemeanor, misconduct in office, or bias, venality, or invalidity; also : to cause (an official) to be removed from office because of such a conviction
Synonyms: see accuse
II. noun
obsolete : impeachment
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