디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

원어민이 한 발음 분석앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(118.235) 2024.11.18 03:29:49
조회 248 추천 2 댓글 4

People often choose products not because of what they are, but because of where they are. If I walk into the kitchen and see a plate of cookies on the counter, I’ll pick up half a dozen and start eating, even if I hadn’t been thinking about them beforehand and didn’t necessarily feel hungry. If the communal table at the office is always filled with doughnuts and bagels, it’s going to be hard not to grab one every now and then. Your habits change depending on the room you are in and the cues in front of you

Imo, yes it's strange to do this but the fact that no one writes "gonna" in formal contexts makes it more acceptable than shortening other things that can be shortened. At least you can imagine that the author wanted to write "gonna" but chose not to. Don't question my logic. The bigger problem underlying this one is that she shortens things too much, even when it isn't correct on any level. You can't end a clause with "they're". She shortens "they are" to "they're" twice at the beginning which is totally wrong. It doesn't just sound like a quirk of her pronunciation. To me it sounds like she's clearly saying "they're". She also shortens "you are" to "you're" (which imo is worse than shortening "going to" to "gonna"). There are a lot of issues with her pronunciation but overall I think she does a good job at imitating an American accent. I would say that her pronunciation is far better than the average Korean.

추가 분석

First of all, the one other obvious mistake you have probably already noticed: she says "half up a dozen" but this is probably her being bad at reading aloud. Some of her vowel qualities are a little off. "eating" sounds like "itting" and "even" sounds like "ivven" but she doesn't make this mistake every time, "but" sounds a little bit too close to "bat" (even though she distinguishes these vowels perfectly fine elsewhere and I might be nitpicking by mentioning this at all), the diphthong in "change" (and other words) sounds like it's too close to a pure vowel but it should be two clearly distinct vowels (however, some accents have this as a pure vowel, but not your typical American accent). "beforehand" sounds almost like "beforehend" but I think she might just be reducing the vowel too much. "front" sounds almost like "fron", her "s" sounds are a little bit to close to "sh" sounds, for example "donuts" sounds almost like "donutsh". I'd be interested to hear how she pronounces words with "sh". The way she pronounces "n" is too subtle, particularly in "communal". The stress/rhythm/intonation is pretty good but there are a few things that sound off. "every now and then" has too much emphasis on "now" and not enough on "then". Getting this wrong sounds really weird to me. There are more mistakes like this but they're harder to pinpoint. Actually, there are more small mistakes in general that I can't explain

또다른 원어민
I just read this aloud, she did about as good as I would, I'd have less accent but make more mistakes as I'm not practiced at reading aloud. It's different from reading a speech, books aren't REALLY written to read aloud anymore, it's a skill you have to develop to get the pacing right.

Out of everything the pacing here was most off, and that's just another skill. (and probably a good one to have, too.)

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