디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

고유명사류빼면 기본 몇백 단어로만 원어민들은 다 조질수있다.앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(118.235) 2024.11.04 21:47:16
조회 89 추천 0 댓글 0

South Korean police have intensified their investigation into Johnny Somali, a US YouTuber known here for his controversial and disrespectful antics while traveling in Korea.

Somali, whose real name is Ramsey Khalid Ismael, is under investigation for obstruction of business and alleged drug use. A travel ban has been imposed to prevent him from leaving the country while the investigation proceeds, according to police.

The Seoul Mapo Police Station said Friday that Somali was under investigation for an incident at a convenience store in Mapo-gu, Seoul, on Oct. 17.

Somali allegedly disrupted the store’s operations by pouring instant noodles on a table after being stopped from drinking alcohol by an employee. When the employees intervened, he reportedly responded with abusive and vulgar language.

Police said they also plan to investigate allegations of drug use following a report received through the 112 emergency hotline.

Several of Somali's other actions in South Korea have drawn significant public criticism.

On Oct. 9, he uploaded a video of himself kissing the Statue of Peace in Itaewon, central Seoul, and performing a lewd dance in front of the monument. The statue represents the tens of thousands of young women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during the 1910-45 Japanese colonial rule of Korea.


아마 이런걸 원어민들이 즉각적으로 입에서 내뱉는다면

이런 식으로 얘기할거임

South Korean police are going after an American YouTuber, Johnny Somali, who’s been causing trouble and acting badly in Korea.

His real name is Ramsey Khalid Ismael, and he’s now in trouble. Police don’t want him leaving the country while they check what he’s been doing.

One thing happened on October 17 at a store in Seoul. Somali caused problems after a worker told him he couldn’t drink there, so he threw some quick food on a table. When the store staff tried to stop him, he yelled back with some mean words.

Police also got a call saying he might be using drugs, so they’re looking into that too.

He’s done other things that have upset people in Korea.

For example, on October 9, he put up a video of himself kissing the Statue of Peace in Itaewon and dancing around it in a way that showed no respect. This statue is for young women who went through hard times under Japanese rule a long time ago.

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