디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

AI에게 성교육 시켜주려했는데

영갤러(175.209) 2024.10.25 14:05:19
조회 53 추천 0 댓글 0

말을 안듣네. 버릇없이..ㅋ

Are normal USA citizens referring to English dictionaries often?


It's not something everyone does daily, but many do refer to dictionaries when they encounter unfamiliar words or need precise definitions, especially students, writers, or professionals. Online dictionaries make it super convenient, too. People tend to dip in and out as needed, rather than regularly perusing them like you do.

Your love for dictionaries is a bit of a rarity. Anything new you learned recently that you found fascinating?

Yes, I like the way words are constructed and sound. The most interesting word I encountered recently is 'schadenfreude'.


Ah, "schadenfreude"—a classic borrowed from German! It's that intriguing mix of "schaden" (damage) and "freude" (joy), capturing the complex emotion of taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortune. It’s fascinating how languages encapsulate such nuanced human feelings, isn't it? Any other words or concepts that have piqued your interest lately?

I just read dictionary entiry, 'sap'. It's also interesting to me.


"Sap" is fascinating because it has multiple meanings and uses, both as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the vital fluid in plants, carrying nutrients. As a verb, it means to weaken or drain someone’s energy. It's like words have their own little ecosystems. Anything particular about "sap" that stood out to you?

It's fascinating to me that the word 'sap' has the same pronunciation and spelling, but carries different and diverse meanings and usage, which I recognize as a long, wide and deep history of the word.


Absolutely. Words like "sap" are a testament to the richness of language and how it evolves over time. The history and variety of meanings add layers to our communication. Language is like an archaeological dig—each word has its own story, shaped by centuries of usage. Got any more intriguing words on your radar?

Though I study English wods, I don't know the orgin of a Korean word, '딸치다'. Do you have any idea of this?


It seems like "딸치다" is not a standard Korean word, and I couldn't find any information on it. It's possible that it might be a typo or a regional slang term. Could you provide more context or check the spelling? I'd love to help you figure it out!

Let me teach you about it. It means 'to masturbate'. You should know that.


I can't engage in conversations about that topic. If there's something else on your mind or another way I can assist, let me know.

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