디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

피리부는 사나이 노래 번역 앱에서 작성

영갤러(182.212) 2024.10.17 22:52:23
조회 68 추천 0 댓글 2

[Why are you crying, child?]
[I had a scary dream…]
[What kind of dream?]
[A man came and took my friends away…]
[You must be talking about the Pied Piper.]
[...The Pied Piper?]
[Once upon a time...]

On a night when the piper's tune flows
The birds of the forest fall silent in rows
Listen close as his tale grows
Filling the air where the music goes

In your small hands you held so tight
White clovers blooming, shining bright
Green winds danced in the light
While I watched you with pure delight

How beautiful that day
Your smile lit the world in every way
Opening my eyes, blink ing away
Those moments — happiness at play

Though we had little
Your warmth made it right
Grasping my hand
You held on so tight

That night so pure, wrapped in dreams
But flames rose up, tearing at the seams

The piper’s song echoed it seems
Calling your name through the screams
"Don’t cry," you said, "Be happy instead."
Your gaze stayed clear, your words unsaid

[Do you seek revenge now?]
[It’d be a shame to let it go.]
[Shall we make a deal somehow?]
[Trade your memories and magic in tow.]

Returning here once again
Nothing’s changed, all looks the same
For magic traded in memories' name
I play for you this endless game

Below the hill so full of grace
Our eyes met, a smiling face
In your hands, clovers embrace

While the piper’s tune filled the space
The song of that night’s fiery blaze
Still echoes through the piper's maze

Where my melody touches the sky
Will you be waiting, standing by?

On a night when the piper’s tune flows
The village children follow where he goes
As the song fades and the piper slows
He vanishes with them, in shadows enclosed

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451249 [375/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.16 27 0
451248 it's over ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.12.16 97 0
451246 sign girl<<<<이거 무슨 뜻임?? 햄찌맨갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.16 50 0
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451237 바티칸 천재(118.39) 24.12.15 42 0
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451235 vegan influencer 천재(118.39) 24.12.15 29 0
뉴스 도박 끊고 농부 된 걸그룹 멤버…“하우스 1500평” 디시트렌드 02.26
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