디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

face the reality 앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(118.235) 2024.03.27 19:55:15
조회 133 추천 0 댓글 1


To back this up, look how many of you tards have been studying for years using all sorts of methods and failing - anki, ALG, assimil... you can't even do the basic translation challenges for fuck's sake. The only successful /lang/ poster who ever achieved fluency was the Canadian guy who learned Italian... AFTER SPEAKING AN ITALIAN DIALECT FROM CHILDHOOD!!! LOL!

Learning a language as an adult is the most cucked endeavor you can possibly attempt. Have fun spending 10x the time investment of a literal diaper-filling infant only to always sound like a stupid foreigner since it's impossible to learn phonemes as an adult unless you have a talent for it and you will always subconsciously translate in your head limiting your comprehension. Look at the Brazilian idiot, the others, all wasting your lives away having arguments in the end to literally be unable to learn as well as a retarded baby that has open neural pathways. Scientifically proven.

I studied a language seriously for 6 months, I got to a "decent" level for an adult learner. Better than the vast majority, because I have a high IQ. But I realized it would never be truly natural and that there's no way I can build such complex neural pathways as an adult. If you want to be truly bilingual you need to be taught it by your parents or at a school, or use the internet in your early teens like many of the bilingual Europeans here have done (which is why they know English). I'm not trying to crush your dreams, I'm telling you they are sadly neurologically unachievable and to be realistic and it doesn't matter how many anki cards you do or how many hours you inpoot. You will be pissing your life away for thousands upon thousands of hours to never EVER get to the level of a CHILD who was raised with it.

It's incredibly cucked. Please find something else to do with your time, for your own sake. There's a reason adult chess, violin, whatever learners fail. Your brain chemistry and neurons are closed.

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