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Bash in Berlin 평점(The John Report)

프갤러(210.178) 2024.09.01 05:18:51
조회 284 추천 6 댓글 0

The John Report라고 John Canton이라는 사람이 수십년 전부터 매주 경기랑 세그먼트 평가/코멘트하는데, 

별점이랑 그에 대한 설명이 꽤 설득력 있다고 봐서 자주 챙겨보는 편. 

아래 별점이랑 평가는 몇줄만 복붙해옴.

1. Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens

Analysis: **** I thought it was an excellent match like most of Cody’s title defenses. I think I have rated most of them around the four star level as well, so it’s similar to some of those other matches he had. The story was that Owens did attack the left knee a bit when Cody was on the floor, but Owens was reluctant to attack it further in the ring and he also refused to do a Powerbomb on the apron. 

2. WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn vs. Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill

Analysis: *** I thought it was a solid match. There were some sloppy moments and some spots where people were in the illegally for too long, but it wasn’t as bad as other companies.

3. Strap Match: Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk

Analysis: ***3/4 I thought it was a very good match that I liked more than their match at SummerSlam. Punk looked sharper and in better shape probably because he had four more weeks to get ready for this match and feel healthier after having triceps surgery earlier this year.

4. Terror Twins – Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley vs. The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan

Analysis: ***1/2 I thought it was an entertaining tag team match. The presence of The Judgment Day guys was obviously needed to give Dom & Liv some nearfalls to make it look like they had a shot even though it was pretty obvious who was going to win this match. 

5. World Heavyweight Championship: GUNTHER vs. Randy Orton

Analysis: ****1/2 It was a slow-paced, hard-hitting fight between two big dudes who took their time and put on a classic championship match. Gunther selling the right arm injury throughout the match made for an interesting story. The right arm injury by Gunther was something he sold for the entire match and it makes for a great story since Gunther’s right hand delivers those chops as well as all of those power moves that he does. Some parts of this match were slow and maybe some people don’t like that, but I don’t mind it at all because it adds to the story. I thought Gunther was going to win by pinfall or something like that, so to have Gunther get the win by making Orton pass out in the sleeper submission is going to make Gunther look like more of a badass because we haven’t seen many guys make Orton pass out in a match like that. That’s putting Gunther over in a big way.



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