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ㅇㅇ(220.87) 2019.11.21 14:39:25
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"I really like it. There are a lot of nerve endings there, and people hold a lot of tension there too, and when the sphincter muscles relax it\'s a whole level of relaxation and openness that I hardly ever get to feel. But also, it\'s SO up-close and personal, with the giver\'s face and tongue right there, it also gives me an unprecedented feeling of being accepted 100%. And that\'s fabulous. My husband is not into it, so I last got it from a girlfriend\'s boyfriend during a group thing years ago. And what is up with people not liking when they stick the tongue in? THAT was a slithery feeling unlike anything else, and I fucking loved it. So good." [via]5. "I\'ve only had one guy truly eat my ass, and he was absolutely ridiculously into it. It started as an ass massage (also highly recommended) and I guess he just wanted more and went for it. He was VERY VERY GOOD AT IT. I am almost afraid to try it with anyone else for fear they won\'t be able to live up to the pleasure standard he set. He had a good mix of gentle licks and applying more pressure, never jamming it in there though. He also got right in there with his lips too for more sensual variety, plus fingering my clit/vulva at the same time. I think I enjoyed that he went to town on my ass without ever trying to get inside it, which I am not sure I am interested in. It felt very safe and oddly comfortable!\' [via]

"Feels like a slug trying to crawl into your butthole"6. "It felt really good but I was also anxious \'cause I kept being like, ‘Is he enjoying this though?’" [via]

<img alt=\'Ass licking - What analingus feels like for women\' title=\'Women reveal what being rimmed feels like\' class=\'lazyimage lazyload\' data-src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/cosmouk.cdnds.net/15/03/1421148162-rimming-gif.gif?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=480:*\' style=\'box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; border-style: initial; image-rendering: auto; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s linear 0s; display: block; width: 329.984px; min-height: 0.0625rem;\'>

GIPHY7. "I was drunk and horny, [we] showered together, got all prepared... and it pretty much sobered me up and turned me off almost immediately. Big let down, lol. I realised in that moment there’s a plethora of other body parts that feel better being licked than that one." [via]8. "Meh. Feels like a slug trying to crawl into your butthole. I don\'t care for it." [via]9. "Simply fucking incredible. Better than oral, better than sex. My ex and I talked about it before he wanted to try it. I thought it was gross and didn\'t think it would feel good. At some point we were fooling around and he was eating me out while I was face down on the bed with my butt kinda sticking out a bit. Well he went from front to back and then just spent some time there. He just kinda licked and kissed softly. And his hands would be on my ass too, caressing.

"I FELT PARALYSED""I felt paralysed, couldn\'t move a muscle, and just lay there quietly, feeling every stroke of his tongue on my bum. I\'m sopping wet afterwards and nothing gets me more relaxed and ready for sex than that. It\'s like muscles I don\'t know I had get relaxed and I feel like I\'m an overcooked spaghetti. I fucking love it." [via]10. "Such a turn on ! If you like oral, then it\'s nice to have someone go down on you all the way and all over. Just make sure you\'re clean (why wouldn\'t you be) so bacteria isn\'t transferred from your ass to your vagina or urethra." [via]11. "My goodness, it is so good! I wish there were less awkward ways to bring it up with new partners... If you\'ve never done it, at least give it a try! (It won\'t hurt or anything!)" [via]

<img alt=\'Ass licking - What analingus feels like for women\' title=\'What rimming feels like \' class=\'lazyimage lazyload\' data-src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/what-rimming-feels-like-1530886444.jpg?resize=480:*\' style=\'box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; border-style: initial; image-rendering: auto; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.4s linear 0s; display: block; width: 329.984px; min-height: 0.0625rem;\'>

GETTY IMAGES12. "Tedious. I\'m not sexually sensitive in that area, so it\'s boring. I can\'t see my partner enjoying himself, so I\'m alienated by the whole process. The positioning is uncomfortable, and it would be outright rude to use the time to do my nails or read a book or get some work done or anything else that I have to do and want to do. And, on top of that, because of the dynamics of the situation (my partner is putting his mouth on my yucky bits) it also sounds hideously unappreciative for me to complain about the tedium. So the additional emotional labour of that dynamic gives me a feeling of, \'Ugh, not this again\'." [via]13. "It kind of had a nice, warm, and wet massage feeling to it. Wasn\'t too exciting and doesn\'t feel simulating for me but the fact that my boyfriend loved licking it turned me on so much and made me feel sexy and confident." [via]
14."I\'ve only had my ass eaten by one guy that i was involved with and i had no idea that was even a thing someone would wanna do, but it was fanfuckingtastic." [via]

"I\'d rather get eaten out"
15."I like it in conjunction with a finger on my clit." [via]16."It happened once, with a one night stand. I didn’t object, since I was curious and he seemed pretty enthusiastic about it, but it didn’t feel like much, and the concept of assholes in and of itself makes me uncomfortable, so even if it had felt amazing, I don’t think I would’ve been able to enjoy it without reservation. And it just felt like a warm, wet thing by my asshole." [via]17."It was a mix of, \'Hmm this is kind of nice\' and, \'Umm this is kind of weird\'. The poking with the tongue feels better when I\'m really horny, but it\'s okay otherwise too. The licking is certainly hot either way, actually. TBH, I prefer getting my toes sucked, but it\'s still something I can enjoy. Neither toe sucking nor ass eating are on my list of the greatest turn ons, but there are still fairly pleasurable." [via]18."It was unnecessary. I\'d rather get eaten out. While he was doing it all I could think is \'why?\'" [via]


<img class=\'\' alt=\'Rimming - what is rimming\' title=\'What is a rim job? Everything you need to know\' src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/rimming-what-is-rimming-1558014783.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=300:*\' data-src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/rimming-what-is-rimming-1558014783.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=300:*\' data-sizes=\'auto\' srcset=\'\' style=\'box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; border-width: 0.125rem; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(255, 245, 242); image-rendering: auto;\'>
Everything you need to know about rimming


<img class=\'\' alt=\'Rimming - What is rimming?\' title=\'What is rimming and how to give a rim job\' src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/woman-licking-lolly-1511351937.jpg?crop=1.00xw:1.00xh;0,0&resize=300:*\' data-src=\'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/woman-licking-lolly-1511351937.jpg?crop=1.00xw:1.00xh;0,0&resize=300:*\' data-sizes=\'auto\' srcset=\'\' style=\'box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; border-width: 0.125rem; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(255, 245, 242); image-rendering: auto;\'>
8 women get real about rimming their boyfriends

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갤러리 리스트 영역

갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
설문 이성보다 동성에게 매력을 더 어필할 것 같은 남자 스타는? 운영자 24/07/29 - -
AD 해커스공무원 1타 강사진 유료 전강좌 100% 무료! 운영자 24/07/27 - -
5610 이번에 국어 잘봤다 생각했는데 불합 조졌다... [3] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 19.12.31 500 0
5609 이시발 56점으로 인천역사 떨어졌다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [3] 호박이주인(61.81) 19.12.31 815 1
5608 교육학 잘친사람은 거의 19점일듯.. [2] ㅇㅇ(110.70) 19.12.31 471 0
5607 경북 합격한 애들 있냐 [1] ㅇㅇ(49.143) 19.12.31 262 0
5605 본인 컷 +15점 이상이다 실연에서 탭댄스 가능? [4] ㅇㅇ(110.70) 19.12.31 576 0
5604 교육학 시발 ㅇㅇ(61.82) 19.12.31 206 0
5603 아 시발 합격했는데도 ㄱ분좆같네 [1] (223.62) 19.12.31 675 0
5602 문자없어서 탈락인줄 알았는데 합격!!! ㅇㅇ(39.7) 19.12.31 231 0
5600 공부 하나도 안했는데 이정도면 킹능성있냐? [5] ㅇㅇㅇ(139.28) 19.12.31 434 0
5598 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 씨발 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 점수존나웃기네 [3] ㅇㅇ(119.17) 19.12.31 547 0
5597 교육학 개씹물챈가보네 [3] ㅇㅇ(180.70) 19.12.31 516 0
5595 수학인데 조언 좀 [2] ㅇㅇ(110.14) 19.12.31 390 1
5593 자살말리네 나이는 쳐먹고 또 떨어짐 [1] ㅇㅇ(112.72) 19.12.31 388 0
5592 가 쪽팔려시발 ㅇㅇ(61.80) 19.12.31 166 0
5589 시발 1차는 처음 떨어져보네 [1] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 19.12.31 450 0
5588 수학 73.33인데 1년더 해봐도 되겠지? [7] ㅇㅇ(180.189) 19.12.31 750 0
5587 우리 형 디진 거 아니냐 허헐(121.179) 19.12.31 287 0
5586 그냥 초수에서 때려칠까 [2] ㅇㅇ(39.7) 19.12.31 355 0
5584 경남 커트라인 어디서보냐 [1] ㅇㅇ(116.41) 19.12.31 228 0
5583 사서직 커트 점수봐줘 [1] ㅇㅇ(210.95) 19.12.31 283 0
5581 임용때 플러스펜으로 써도 싸인펜으로쳐서 감점되냐? [1] ㅇㅇ(121.147) 19.12.31 203 0
5580 전북 커트라인 [1] ㅇㅅㅇ(110.70) 19.12.31 360 0
5579 죽음 마렵다 [3] ㅇㅇㅇ(220.93) 19.12.31 337 1
5578 나만교육청안들어가짐? [1] ㅇㄱㅁㄹ(211.36) 19.12.31 165 0
5575 교육학은 19점인데 [2] ㅇㅇ(112.157) 19.12.31 487 0
5574 불합한 애들 일루 와봐 [3] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 19.12.31 1071 15
5573 야 나두 1차 붙었다.. [1] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 19.12.31 398 0
5571 교육학 18.67맞고.. 떨어졌다. [2] ㅇㅇㅇ(221.146) 19.12.31 716 0
5570 님들....친구한테 연락안오는데요 [2] ㅇㅇ(114.205) 19.12.31 510 0
5569 와 합격 [2] ㅇㅇ(223.38) 19.12.31 592 1
5568 문자 안오면 떨어진거 맞지?ㅜㅜ ㅇㅇ(39.7) 19.12.31 264 0
5566 아... ㅇㅇ(223.38) 19.12.31 168 0
5564 수학 이번에 미쳤네 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 19.12.31 592 0
5563 토할꺼같다 [1] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 19.12.31 200 0
5562 기간제는 경력 어디서 쌓아.. [2] ㅇㅇ(39.7) 19.12.31 380 0
5561 불합인거아는데 왜케손이떨니랴 [17] ㅇㅇ(125.190) 19.12.31 1473 16
5560 오늘 점수도 나오냐?? [2] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 19.12.31 286 0
5558 여기 지금 수학있냐? [1] ㅇㅇ(223.33) 19.12.31 285 0
5557 작년에 소스보기로 떨어진거 미리 확인하고 [6] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 19.12.31 791 3
5556 다들 뭐하고 있누 [2] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 19.12.31 283 0
5555 잠도안온다 [1] ㅇㅇ(211.36) 19.12.31 207 0
5553 낼 발표인데 떨리는 임붕이들 와봐라 [1] 도와줘요(211.62) 19.12.30 981 39
5551 소스 어디갓누 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.38) 19.12.30 479 0
5550 내일 다들.. [3] ㅇㅇ(114.200) 19.12.30 381 0
5548 형님들 면접 준비 하나도 안했는데 [4] ㅇㅇ(121.190) 19.12.30 837 8
5547 대구컷보고 교육학 칼챈지 물챈지 알겠냐? [4] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 19.12.30 725 0
5545 내일 불합이면 뭐할거냐? [10] ㅇㅇ(110.70) 19.12.30 677 0
5544 내일이 안왔으면좋겠어 [4] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 19.12.30 467 1
5543 교육학 교육과정 채점 [1] ㅇㅇ(223.62) 19.12.30 329 0
5542 합격하면 문자옴? [1] ㅇㅇ(110.70) 19.12.30 621 0
갤러리 내부 검색
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