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ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.08.09 18:10:01
조회 106 추천 3 댓글 0

Mf betrayed all Mihoyo fans by switching sides only cuz of Horny 5:57 can't believe he is actually using this shit EN voice acting 11:07 peak buggering waves am I right seriously the amount of bugs in WuWa makes my head hurt sometimes 12:59 I wish Mihoyo was scummy sadly they aren't, Mihoyo is plenty nice to competition they just won't let them win at all 14:14 Bro is 30+ years old and he has never heard about DS4 yeah this man is cooked 18:50 somebody stop this guy from listening that EN voice its so frustrating to hear 20:16 ofc I change my accent otherwise the words sound different 21:38 I wonder what Garnt had to watch out cuz wtf is that sudden change 29:49 Finally someone who understands that you can play both games 30:50 POV realising that using the girl Rover is dumb in this game 32:01 "This game is easy guys" "wait how did I lose so much health?" 34:54 so Garnt likes Kill me Baby?? 39:03 And here comes Useless being number 1 40:45 Garnt EN VA ranting 44:03 POV WuWa fans being annoying lore skippers 48:32 WuWa's initial start is easy for getting 5 star cuz it's free but the limited banners have been shit at least for me both times Encore came to destroy my pulls off Yinlin and Jinshi thankfully I don't give up that easily 49:03 it's basically Pokemon/Monster Hunter type of farming 51:01 we don't talk about that mobile launch it practically doesn't work 54:52 no it's not anywhere on the same level as Sekiro or Elden Ring, WuWa is baby compared to the hardness of those games 1:07:15 nah WuWa world is poor not enough chests 1:11:27 pov you should have chosen the male rover 1:16:13 POV Yappering Waves they knew exactly why they needed to add the skip button, it's literally cuz of these kinds of situations 1:17:06 trust us Garnt WuWa has too much meaningless yapping I sometimes love the fact the fact that they added a Skip button mainly cuz unlike Genshin where everything is important to the lore this piece of shit game has too much bloated dialogues full of bullshit that nobody wants to hear 1:18:40 technically speaking we had the electro zipping thingy in Inazuma people didn't use it that much cuz aparantly it was too fast for them 1:19:31 Yup the EN voices are fucked 1:21:58 Yup there is a part 2 now he is actually fucked 1:26:52 Dumb players think skip button is revolutionary meanwhile HI3rd players had it since forever and we never used it cuz the story was good, only dumb skippers like that. 1:29:17 Durandal from HI3rd does actually have that so yeah 1:32:28 I have atleast once jerked off to Dreamless NSFW artwork so yeah the TDs look better than the characters sometimes 1:35:02 The Real Gameplay 1:38:02 here comes the second coming of Garnt using the equivalent of Qiqi 1:38:20 Its called professional bribing if you didn't know about it 1:44:32 POV the dark desires to start pay to win life 1:45:48 using every excuse on the planet to justify wasting money 1:50:08 the Gacha is horrible in WuWa regardless of what Players say 1:52:08 Cap of the year 1:53:10 Let me tell you the tale of every Gacha player who can't get the character within enough pulls 1:55:14 that company card abuse needs to be studied 1:55:34 Yeah nope Kuro is way worse than Hoyo when it comes to pulls 1:58:27 Lets go mf lost, this is exactly what I meant, I have never won the 50/50 in this game not even once it's like WuWa hates all actual Genshin players 1:59:59 Garnt does know right that he is having a Loss right now cuz my guy is spending on the lesser packages which give less for more money this guy forgot his Asian Mathematics 2:01:54 Its not snitching if you do the right thing you know 2:02:54 Mf is selling his soul to Kuro for getting a chance to own Changli's ass 2:07:39 exactly Garnt you whale more than you actually playing the game 2:10:08 Garnt really thinks someone is listening on the opposite side 2:11:29 what principle? you already wasted over $100 this guy just keeps capping instead of just playing the game which would have given him the pulls too 2:12:09 Even Google thinks you are wasting too much money bro 2:16:36 Just Buy a few more at this point that way instead of seeing this pulling and malding we can watch real gameplay instead 2:18:20 Kuro doesn't care about your nonexistent kids Garnt you gotta pay up to get their waifus 2:20:10 Everyone had atleast 3 five star characters for free in the starting weeks of the game so yeah you definitely are living the life of loss 2:21:35 Facts like let's not forget this guy had to spend $600 to get Astolpo that shows how bad his Gacha luck is 2:21:50 Nope that summary mechanism is exclusive to ZZZ they were truly intelligent to make that since it makes the guilt of skipping less 2:34:32 WuWa players are truly annoying like bruh what do you mean by story expires??? 2:39:50 POV Garnt in deep thought after realising how OP Changli is and how good it looks 2:40:14 Takes a sigh starts Whaling again truly this guy is to easy to convince wasting money 2:41:26 eyes of desperation and sighs of disappointment in Himself also silent for a fucking 2 minutes and then such a low voice 2:42:40 Have you not learnt your lesson yet Garnt WuWa has horrible chances of early 5 star and that's a fact 2:43:07 ofc Kurogames wants your soul, don't forget they want you to betray Hoyo completely 2:43:43 Wuthering Waves more like scammering waves. Seriously which are the chances of early 5 star in WuWa so bad??? 2:44:15 Imagine having negative Rizz so Changli doesn't come home in F2P fashion and having to spend over $150 to buy like a prostitute or a slave, worth it though cuz that smile is hella addicting 2:44:31 Kuro really said here you go for spending so much money on our trash gacha 2:47:43 Yeah someone at Kuro definitely heard his crying 2:54:16 Stop the cap Garnt nothing in here was first time 2:56:10 Even the game knows that Garnt was crying and whaling 2:56:50 cute ahoge thank god Kazuha isn't here 3:08:39 Average British beggars thinking that having a knife makes them Overpowered 3:12:23 Imagine taking more than 2 seconds to do this 3:13:05 Average Open World gameplay Rules are made for dummies, Open Worlds allow your free will to Prosper 3:15:14 POV Grant brags about it being easy after getting Changli killed by one of the easiest field bosses and despite having a 5 star Healer talk about Skill Issue 3:19:26 If we are being honest here WuWa doesn't have a purpose as a game, it's just trying to compete in a market that is mostly held by Mihoyo, and they technically failing cuz their sales are dropping not to mention their main story is ass only character quests like Changli's and Yinlin's story are actually good. Also it doesn't connect in any way of Punishing Gray Raven which proves the point that this game doesn't have any reason to exist other than money meanwhile Genshin was created to get a wider audience to start learning about the cosmology of Hoyoverse similar to Fatw and FGO Edit: I am famous on Twitter now cuz WuWa players are trying to cancel me

와 ㅅㅂ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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2974 설문 예능 속 모습이 오히려 이미지 반감 시킨 것 같은 스타는? 운영자 25/01/27 - -
813230 일반 kv갤 블두순이 갤 먹으려고 위임신청해놨다 반대댓글 달아라 [1] ㅇㅇ(115.140) 24.08.18 150 2
813229 일반 존나 웃기긴 해 자아의탁으로 외국매출 빠는 새끼들이 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 83 0
813228 일반 근데 블아도 빵빵하게 지원받았지만 망할 뻔 했는데 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.08.18 95 0
813227 일반 블기견 딸숭이들 화났네 ㅋㅋ ㅇㅇ(112.146) 24.08.18 82 0
813226 일반 네임드 개발자 탈주로 성공한 곳은 [4] 승갤러(121.144) 24.08.18 168 0
813225 일반 근데 회사돈 먹튀해서 차려서 잘 될 수 있긴한가? [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.08.18 82 0
813223 일반 블두순과 원선족에는 한 가지 공통점이 있음 [2] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 101 3
813222 일반 커뮤니티도르 가능한 게임v1 승갤러(118.235) 24.08.18 121 2
813221 일반 회사 뛰쳐나가서 성공한놈 [3] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 212 6
813220 일반 근데 말딸은 괴문서로 2차창작 다 몰려가서 별 소리 없는거 아니냐 [1] 승갤러(14.45) 24.08.18 115 0
813219 일반 관전 포인트는 블두순 그 자체임 ㅇㅇ(14.49) 24.08.18 64 0
813218 일반 7억씩들고 퇴사한다음 원신과금 블아만든다는거지? ㅇㅇ(112.166) 24.08.18 84 1
813217 일반 근데 회사 뛰쳐나가서 성공사례가 있긴함? [12] 승갤러(121.185) 24.08.18 216 0
813216 일반 님들 젠레스 존 제로는 안전함? [9] 승갤러(121.144) 24.08.18 198 0
813215 일반 나혼자만 레벨업 지금 다운로드 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 59 0
813214 일반 블아 애니 감독도 생각해보면 할만큼 해준거 같음 [1] ㅇㅇ(218.153) 24.08.18 102 0
813213 일반 순불이 레아로 갈아타면 게임오버임 ㅇㅇ [1] 승갤러(99.242) 24.08.18 121 0
813212 일반 블아=2천석 아님 19nn석임 ㅇㅇ(211.234) 24.08.18 70 0
813211 일반 화풍 똑같고 캐릭터 디자인 비슷해도 이런 소리나 할텐데 ㅇㅇ(119.192) 24.08.18 70 0
813210 일반 화솔이 씹덕 보는 눈 하나는 정확한 거 아니냐 [1] ㅇㅇ(106.101) 24.08.18 134 0
813209 일반 지금 블두순들 보면 애잔함 ㅇㅇ(14.49) 24.08.18 76 3
813208 일반 응 너희들이 블아까도 2천석이야 ^^ [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.08.18 126 1
813207 일반 kv갤은 그냥 블기견 놀이터네 [2] ㅇㅇ(212.102) 24.08.18 154 0
813206 일반 그래도 붕스는 안전한거 아님??? [7] 승갤러(118.235) 24.08.18 165 0
813205 일반 진지하게 말딸이 블아 상위호환은 맞음 [15] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 350 11
813204 일반 2차 창작을 음식점 영업으로 비유하면 [1] 승갤러(182.218) 24.08.18 92 0
813203 일반 요새 원두순들 팬다고 신경썼더니 블두순 기어오르긴했지 ㅇㅇ(221.163) 24.08.18 83 4
813202 일반 BM 창렬하다고 함부로 욕하면 안 되는듯, 소위 혜자겜들 죄다 섭종한거 [1] ㅁㅁ갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.08.18 101 0
813200 일반 근데 진지하게 블아는 지금 상태 보면 프문이랑 비벼야 될급 아님? [9] 승갤러(14.45) 24.08.18 207 0
813199 일반 근데 영상 소개에 악의가 꾹꾹 담겨져있네 ㅇㅇ(106.101) 24.08.18 75 0
813198 일반 진지 100%) 블아 애니화 망한건 피카츄 시나리오 탓이 크다 [4] ㅇㅇ(223.39) 24.08.18 177 4
813197 일반 짱숨 하다보면 블아모드 자주 보이던데 [3] ㅇㅇ(119.203) 24.08.18 118 0
813196 일반 블아 퇴사자들이 악랄한 게 ㅇㅇ(14.49) 24.08.18 104 3
813194 일반 [공식] 레아 개발사 코멘트 ㅇㅇ(223.62) 24.08.18 108 3
813192 일반 화솔 연전연승 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 90 2
813191 일반 2차창작이 많아야 흥겜이다! 매출딸은 좆병신짓이다! [1] ㅇㅇ(223.39) 24.08.18 118 7
813189 일반 블두순 잘하는 거 [1] ㅇㅇ(14.49) 24.08.18 86 2
813188 일반 봉준호) 블루아카 스토리 작가와 협업하고 싶었다 승갤러(121.144) 24.08.18 70 0
813186 일반 “코미케 2000석이 좆이 아니거든 ㅇㅇ” [3] 메추리얼갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.08.18 189 1
813185 일반 이 짤 개웃긴데 그린 짤쟁이는 지금도 관심없어서 모를것 같은 팩트한접시 [2] ㅇㅇ(211.234) 24.08.18 157 3
813184 일반 근데 블아 당장 망할정도로 치명타 입음? [1] 승갤러(14.45) 24.08.18 103 0
813183 일반 블아 매출은 2차창작 발생매출 플러스해야지 승갤러(121.162) 24.08.18 80 2
813182 일반 Kv프로젝트 캐릭 하나만 빨리 공개해주면안되나 [1] 승갤러(110.14) 24.08.18 84 0
813181 일반 원신하는사람들은 명조 왤케 싫어함? [13] ㅇㅇ(121.143) 24.08.18 167 0
813180 일반 블아는 캐릭에 얼마나 큰 공을 들이는지 느껴진다 [3] 승갤러(99.242) 24.08.18 216 11
813179 일반 그니까 블두순 논리면 코미케 일페 서코에 돈 쓰면 [1] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 24.08.18 98 0
813178 일반 나 나스란 사람 젊은 사람인줄 알았어 ㅇㅇ(211.234) 24.08.18 107 2
813177 일반 블아 까는애들 특 에덴조약 안읽어봄 [4] ㅇㅇ(223.39) 24.08.18 161 0
813176 일반 블아 2군만 남았잖아... ㅇㅇ(14.49) 24.08.18 78 1
813175 일반 다른 갤에 가챠에 남캐가 짤 달리던 새끼 귀신같이 안보이더라 ㅇㅇ(106.101) 24.08.18 66 1
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