디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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행님들 life game 프로그래밍 도와줘 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

횽들도와줭 (119.202) 2011.05.16 21:37:07
조회 80 추천 0 댓글 7

형들 life game이라고 알아??

뭐 그런건 다 내가 주어줄께

문제 하나 풀어야하는데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무 어렵당..ㅠㅠㅠ 도와줘!

자~ 문제 조건갑니다...(영어로 되어서 과연 이거 풀 수 있을까...)
1. Every empty cell with three living neighbors will come to life in the next generation.
2. Any cell with one or zero neighbors will die of loneliness, while any cell with four or more neighbors will die from overcrowding.
3. Any cell with two or three neighbors will live into the next generation.
4. All births and deaths occur simultaneously.
Make a program described as below.
1. Make an initial 20 X 20 array whose element represents a gene capsule.
2. Make a “Display_Gene” function that displays the array to the screen. First clear the screen. Then print all elements of the array. Each living gene is represented as „*‟ and dead gene is represented as a blank character.
3. Make an "Initialize_Gene" function that randomly assigns true or false to the elements of the array. Generate a random number between 0 and 1 and if it is larger than GENE_PROB, then assign true, otherwise it is false.
4. Make a "Neighbors" function will be used to calculate the number of neighbors for a given cell. Neighbor of a cell represents neighboring array elements. There are at maximum 8 neighboring cells.
5. Make a "Cell_Evolve" Function that calls the "Neighbors" function and evolves by controlling which cells live and die.
6. The program will prompt the user to load a scenario or generate a random starting grid
7. If the user chooses a random starting grid, the program will prompt the user for a percentage (GENE_PROB) that represents the probability that a given cell will be occupied by a living gene.
8. If the user chooses to load a scenario, the program prompts the user to enter the file name of the scenario.
9. Scenarios are stored as text files. Each line represents each row of an array. Each character represents the status of each element. If it is „*‟, the corresponding element has a living gene.
10. After the generation of initial array, Call Display_Gene to show the initial layout of genes.
11. For each evolution, ask an input to continue or stop. When a user inputs to go one more evolution, call Cell_Evolve, then call Display_Gene to display the status of the evolved genes. If a user input to repeat, repeat the above calls for 10 times. Put a delay between consecutive displays.

혹시 이거를 할 수 있는 횽들 있어??ㅠㅠ

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