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unknown6가 중요하다는 것은 알겠다앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(117.111) 2016.08.04 22:36:58
조회 498 추천 0 댓글 0

If you decide to join the discord please read. I am not a programmer (disclaimer) but I saw the discord getting flooded by a lot of other non-programmers. Most of which were not helping the conversation and asking repeat-questions. I made a summary awnsering some repeat questions. And also as an update to the community.
API stopped accepting requests from any sources which are not the actual client. The API needs a value "unknown 6", this value was already in the API in previous versions, but now the server is validating it. Only the actual client can create a valid "unknown6". We dont actually 100% know that it is indeed "unknown6" that is being validated, but it would make sense since its a big piece of data which isnt recreateable.
It is not as easy as locating where any updates made changes because the unknown6 was already being calculated and sent in previous versions but not validated by the server.
It doesnt really matter exactly what values go into the unknown6. CRACKING/bruteforcing the code is impossible because the key alone wouldnt do it. We need to get to the piece of code that makes "unknown6". The key and the way to calculate unknown6 is somewhere within the code and were trying to find it.
We are trying to locate where the app calculates unknown6 in order to be able to recreate out own valid unknown6's. If we do that we have a working API again.
This is hard because parts of the code are not easily accessible. We need people that can decompile and document parts of the code!
Please keep the talking only about the API, no personal lives, let the programmers do their job.
Again were not looking for theories on how unknown6 is created, what values go in it. We will 99% sure only get a working API if we locate and understand the code creating unknown6.
If you think you can help, this document will bring you up to speed on the technical side of the issue.

unknown6가 ClientBlob랑 알고리즘이 흡사해서
ClientBlob을 풀면 unknown6도
해결 가능하다는 말도 있던데

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