디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

나도 소설 써보려 시도해 본게 있긴 함

ottman(175.125) 2015.02.03 23:23:43
조회 207 추천 0 댓글 7


그런데 아래 같은 결과물 밖에 얻지못해 그냥 포기.


I sighed and looked at the clock, then out the window to observe the position of the sun to be sure. Hours of the dragon had just started, and there was still some time left for a talk.

“I have reflected on what you said for quite some time, Jeff. I also spent some time reading, from both library and database. And I came to the conclusion, that there is no evidence as well to your claim that souls do not exist.”

Jeffery wrinkled his nose in annoyance. He seemed eager to retort, but I wasn’t done  speaking. I raised a hand to stop him before he spoke.

“But I realized that same applies to other beliefs as well. Muslims and Christians say that people enter either heaven or hell according to their deeds. Hindus and Shamanists claim that people reincarnate in endless cycles. It seems that humans have all kinds of different ideas on the matter, and who knows what kind of belief those barbarian packs dwelling in the northern wastes have? But none of these mutually contradictive beliefs can provide tangible evidence that their explanation is the true answer, and people are merely adhering to explanations they grew up with or prefer. I suppose it is impossible for anyone  to know for certain what happens in afterlife; and after all, "the master never talked of prodigies, feats of strength, disorders, or spirits", and perhaps he had a good reason to do so.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

I sighed again. “You know, this ceremony isn’t all about veneration. It is an occasion where clan members gather, reminiscing on how our ancestors existed so that we came to be. While I am all alone out here, this ceremony still is an occasion in which I can remind myself of them and cherish their memories, so time and tide won’t wash them away to the sea of oblivion.”

Jeffery stared at me without response, and I decided to continue.

“Even if it is true that souls do not exist as you believe, and we are just gone after death, wouldn’t it be too tragic to simply accept that and let one’s existence fade away in negligence? No one wants to meet such fate, and all individuals strive to exist continuously, in some form or other; some may compose poems, some may paint, and some may publish their insight on Confucian theories as comments and treaties, all seeking to mark on this world evidence of their life, so that they will continue to exist in form of remembrance. And once one passes away, it is the duty of the living to ensure that their wishes are kept. When a mandarin or scholar dies, his friends and acquaintances publish an anthology for him. When a king dies, annals of his reign are documented by mandarins. When a dynasty perishes, government of the succeeding dynasty publishes for them a record of their history. And it is duty of an offspring, to keep memory of his parents and ancestors from withering away.”

After maintaining silence for a moment, Jeffery flicked one of his ears.

“But still, isn’t it needlessly complicated and wasteful to use all this food and other stuffs for simply remembering your ancestors? I mean, you can do that alone without all this nonsense.”

“Well, last time when it was uhh.... the birthday of Jesus-“

“You mean Christmas.”

“Yes, Christmas, didn’t you insist that, despite the fact that you do not believe in Christian god, we should erect that plastic fir tree in the communal room and decorate it with sparkly ornaments and have a feast? Well, I guess this rite is something equivalent to that tree. It is what that makes this day special and meaningful to me, just as that fake tree did to you in Christmas. Though, to be honest, I did find that tree rather silly, so I do understand if you still think this rite to be ridiculous.”

Faint smile crept on my muzzle.


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