디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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Hey manppitpi모바일에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(202.14) 2025.01.13 14:50:34
조회 23 추천 0 댓글 1

Rough day, my son?

What, who are you?

It doesn’t matter who I am.

What matters are my intentions.

What do you mean?

I will not accept you losing hope.

You think nothing’s going to get better, but you’re very wrong.

This world is constantly showing me that life is hopeless.

Bad things keep happening and they are ruining me.

Bad things happen...

...but how you react to them is what matters.

Either you embrace their negativity,

or you find lessons and seek strength through them.

That’s easier said than done.

If it’s humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach.

Let me guide you to the best version of yourself.

What is it that bothers you?

What not.

I have no friends, no love, I work a wage job, I’m not social, nor good looking.

I am addicted to alcohol and caffeine. I hate pretty-

-Hold up.

That’s a lot of things you’re not happy with.

Now who can improve these situations?

uhm. Me.

Indeed. So tell me, what are you doing about these situations?

I want to improve them but I can’t.

Why not?

I try it but I don’t see it getting better.

Making friends is hard.

Finding love is nearly impossible,

getting out of the rat race is hard.

But not impossible right?

It feels impossible.

You feel it’s impossible, it is not.

The only boundaries are between your ears.

You are not happy with your current life,

yet you have everything you need to improve it.

But how?

Begin by improving yourself.

Start small.

Clean up your room.

Get a healthy rhythm.

Don’t buy alcohol so there is no temptations in house.

This will slowly build up a sense of accomplishment.

You will need it to start improving.

You’re smoking?

Yes i am smoking.

This is one of the only enjoyments I have.

That enjoyment comes with a cost. You know that.

I know, I am going to quit.

Just one more time, that won’t hurt anything.

Anyone can make mistakes. But only a fool persists in his error.

You have the strength to stop right now.

Then use the money you save now to invest in yourself.

Buy a book. Read it.

Learn from it and become a more intelligent person.

This will give you an enjoyment much greater than smoking.

One of the things I am bad at is talking to people.

How can I work on this?

let me ask you first: Why do you want to work on this?

Because I want to be more social.

If you want to be more social, you must become more secure about yourself.

You must believe that you can be social.

Talk to people outside.

Start by simply greeting people when you pass them.

Then start some small talk.

Practice and practice bit by bit and you’ll see that you are capable of talking to people like everyone else.

And how can I become more confident with what I say?

To become more confident, I’d suggest you start going to the gym.

It might sound cliche and every lifestyle guru online gives this advice,

but it’s for a good reason.

You will be happier with yourself if you have a fit body and lifestyle.

This will boost your health and confidence, and also give you a routine in life.

Try it out and see how you’ll ascend within a few months.

Thank you for guiding me. For every lesson you taught me.

For believing in me when I was nothing.

There is only one mystery that keeps me wondering.

You still haven’t told me who you are.

I am nothing but a voice in your head.

Everything is within yourself, my son.

추천 비추천


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