디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

짱깨 : 맞아!! 짱깨는 병-~~~신이야! 파륜궁이나 봐야겠군!!!

ㅇㅇ(146.70) 2024.04.16 02:00:04
조회 17 추천 1 댓글 0

Master said, 

“I said that just by remaining unmoved you could handle all situations.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume V)

Without saying a word, it seemed as though they were all restrained; no one came to speak to me, and eventually, they all left, leaving my daughter with me.

After 2 p.m., they took me to the police department. A fierce-looking police officer said, “Because of you, I got an earful from the city leaders!” He went on to tell me how he was scolded. I thought he was also a victim, someone I needed to save, so I took the opportunity to say, “I see you guys work so hard, working more than 12 hours a day, unable to eat on time, often going hungry. It’s not easy!” I told them not to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, as it is not good for them, and shared the story of the police at the Berlin Wall in Germany, encouraging them to “raise the gun’s muzzle by one centimeter.” They didn’t say anything and listened to me quietly.

Not long after, the police officer said to me, “We won’t ask you anything, we’re just going through the procedures.” I thought this was a perfect opportunity to clarify the truth to them and save them, so I silently asked Master for wisdom.

Initially, I refused to answer their questions by saying they were “irrelevant to the case.” Later, they directly asked me, “Why did you distribute flyers in that community? What was your purpose?” I said, “Buddha saves those with predestined relationships. I distribute flyers to tell people the truth about Falun Gong. Saving people is our responsibility as Dafa disciples; wherever we go, we save whoever we can. Those who see the truth-clarification materials and understand the truth can be saved and survive the great calamity.”

They then claimed that Falun Gong is against the Party and socialism, which the state and government do not allow. I immediately stopped them, “Hold on! Falun Gong has always been legal in China, as have Falun Gong books and promotional materials. On March 1, 2011, the head of the General Administration of Press and Publication announced the revocation of Order No. 50, declaring all Falun Gong books and materials legal. Falun Gong is not a cult. It was Jiang Zemin who, during an interview with a journalist in France, made unfounded statement out of jealousy because the number of Falun Gong practitioners surpassed that of the CCP members. He said those things out of jealousy! Falun Gong practitioners practice cultivation based on the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I have never been in any cult, nor have I joined any qigong associations. What you’re saying is slander and lies fabricated by the CCP, and it doesn’t stand!”

They asked what benefits I received from practicing Falun Gong. I said, “There are many benefits. First, I gained a healthy body and haven’t been sick or taken medicine in over twenty years. I’ve become a better person in society, adhering to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, not fighting back when hit or insulted, enduring the unendurable, and acting selflessly, being considerate, becoming a noble person.” 

Then, I advised them not to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, as Falun Gong teaches people to be good and that Master Li is here to save people. I also kindly reminded them that they are responsible for the cases they handle for their entire lives. They said they understood.

Throughout the process, when they mentioned Master by name, I sternly told them, “You cannot directly call Master Li by his name; he is the revered Master of millions of practitioners. We respect him deeply.” They immediately corrected themselves and called him “Master.”

Later, I was taken for blood tests and a physical examination, surrounded by young people, probably recent police academy graduates. When they saw me, they said “Falun Dafa,” and I added, “You should say, ‘good,’ too!” They all laughed. I told them the two phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Sometimes they mispronounced it as “Truthfulness, Goodness, Beauty,” and I corrected them, reminding them to remember the two phrases.


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