디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어 작문숙제라 했는데 틀린부분이나 문법에 어긋나는 부분좀 찾아주세요

리케 2006.04.27 19:29:50
조회 99 추천 0 댓글 3

Korean summer has many features. One of them is it is very hot in summer of Korea. The highest average temperature is even thirty six. Daegu one of the Korean city. Deagu’s highest temperature was forty! We call this hot weather “삼복더위” ; dogdays. The rain of Korea is concentrated in summer. The rainy season is between June and July. This term we have thirty percent of annual precipitation. Also we have “so-naki” ; shower a short period rain, there is a short story about it. Long time ago there are two person was talked about weather. One is A priest and the other is a farmer, “It will be rainy soon” said priest. Farmer saw a blue sky and “I don’t think so. Let’s bet on it will be rain or not.” “If it rain I give you my bull.” said farmer. “you will regret” perist quiet. Suddenly, The blue sky turns black and rain pours. Farmer have to give his bull  to priest. (bull 은 한글로 소 라고 발음하므로) Korean call’s shower “so-naki” because (소를 지고 내기를 했기 때문에). After considering all the factors summer has hot and wet wheter. Summer is wonderful and energetic. Mountains and meadows get full of green also cicadas sing very loudly. Have you ever heard cicada’s sound? Do you know why? Because cicada lives about seventeen years for larva in the underground but it die within a week. So cicada does it’s best the life on the ground. Human’s life is also nothingness like cicada’s life. But we do our best in our life. And we find why we are standing on the ground. Summer nature is so fantastic it makes people travel. I visited gangwondo last year. My destination was great. 하얀모래사장과 푸른 바다에 파다가 출렁이고 여름의 햇살이 빛나는 해변은 천국인 것 같았다. 이렇듯 여름의 자연은 우리가 여름을 기다리게 만든다. 한글있는 부분은 영작해서 도와주시면 고맙겠습니다. 도와주세요 ㅜ.ㅜ

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하단 갤러리 리스트 영역

왼쪽 컨텐츠 영역

갤러리 리스트 영역

갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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4037 해석 부탁드립니다. 제발요 [3] 000 06.05.15 99 0
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